'Notherfucking History: 52 More Lessons That School Failed to Mention.

'Notherfucking History: 52 More Lessons That School Failed to Mention.

Matematika A=1/2+4/7 dan B=9/10-3/8. Hasil dari A×B adalah​

A=1/2+4/7 dan B=9/10-3/8. Hasil dari A×B adalah​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


1/2 + 4/7

= 1×7/2×7 + 4×2/7×2

= 7/14 + 8/14

= 15/14

= 1 1/14


9/10 - 3/8

= 9×4/10×4 - 3×5/8×5

= 36/40 - 15/40

= 21/40

A × B

= 1 1/14 × 21/40

= 15÷5/14÷7 × 21÷7/40÷5

= 3/2 × 2/8

= 6/16

= 3/8
